The Caney Fork River is showing some signs of life. The Army Corp has begun to dial back the generation finally. The best way to catch fish on the Caney is to throw streamers. Fish are responding to bigger flies and as the water in Center Hill Lake continues to fall generation should be less and less. We are booking streamer floats now, for full and half days. These trips are not for the meek. Throwing big flies on sinking lines is a lot of work. When fish respond they are usually bigger and always a fight.
Southeastern Brook Trout
The Elk River is finally back to a more normal flow. Fish have been responding to well drifted nymphs and soft hackles. The good news about the Elk is TVA has stopped generation. There is rain in the forecast so everyone's fingers are crossed that it is not another gully-washer.
Just Hangin' Around
Warmwater Streams in Middle Tennessee are getting back to some sort of normal. We have been chasing musky a little, just to pass the time. The last trip was with Greg and Matt who came from Alabama. It was a good float, one that saw me behind the oars of a Clackacraft, just to try out another brand of boat. The fish for the most part were exactly where they should be. The Musky would follow, investigate, almost nudge, but then refuse. Musky are fun to chase especially when they rise up out of nowhere. They are fun to catch, but are they as clever as we give them credit? Guess time will tell.
Talking about the rain and high water is getting old. Instead of being at the oars, where I prefer, my time has been spent doing boat maintenance, writing articles and working on presentations. By the way it is raining outside right now. .. Over the past few months in The Angler Magazine there has been a report on fly fishing the Caney Fork. Although there hasn't been a lot to say, hopefully I have been able to write something that is useful. There are some good articles with good information about most fisheries in Middle TN and beyond. If you get a chance stop by Cumberland Transit or any of the other locations and pick one up. .. If you live somewhere around Hendersonville, I will be presenting Observations from the Tailwaters at the Hendersonville Fly Fishing Club on Thursday, February 21st @ The Wharf Restaurant. The Wharf is located at 248 Sanders Ferry Road in Hendersonville. Social hour starts at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. .. Finally, anyone who is waiting on the water to recede a bit before calling to set a date to fish, shoot me an email, call, or text and I will get you on the list for a day on the river.