Southeastern Fly

Friday, April 24, 2020

Fly Fishing Tennessee

Will the fish be hungry? When we get back to what we consider a "more normal routine", for many of us, it will mean getting back to the water. We will dust off rusty casts and begin working on presentations in the runs, riffles and pools we know well. Perhaps we will venture out a little farther and try some waters we have always wanted to discover. While we recover economically, and we will, instead of leaving the country to fish some far away body of water, we might stay just a little closer to home and discover a body of water that has always been intriguing.  

To the friends and clients who have text, called, and emailed. Thank you! Those who have rescheduled trips and those who had to cancel, I am looking forward to fishing with you in the future. To my guide friends, this hasn't easy for any of us, but there are brighter days ahead and we will soon be talking about this as timestamp in our conversations. Meaning we will be saying "before the virus" and "since the virus" before we know it. 

I have been sneaking away to try new stuff on the fish. While practicing those new methods that are instilled in us now for our health, I still feel the need to stay on top of the tailwaters and freestones that people rely on me to know. The fish have been cooperative and it has been pleasant to catch them. They, the fish. are still there. The fish are holding in the same runs, riffles, and pools that they were holding-in prior to this lock down. Most of the fish haven't seen a fly in some time, so "the usual trickery" is working, maybe a little better on some fish. Maybe that's a little angler optimism, but I believe they were fooled a bit easier.

We are already working to get folks in the casting braces, while doing our best to keep everyone safe. Again, to everybody out there, I hope you have been able to remain safe and I hope your family and friends are as well. 

If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river call/text 615-796-5143 or email to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our HomepageTo sign up for the latest edition of Southeastern Fly News Click Here

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Spring 2020 Southeastern Fly News

We have been busy with newsletters, podcasts and some occasional fishing through the downtime. Southeastern Fly News - Spring Edition has been released and can be found at the link below. Hope you enjoy!