Southeastern Fly

Monday, October 5, 2020

Middle Tennessee Fly Fishing

It's been a crazy-busy summer. We have been doing a lot of trips with folks, who in-turn have been bringing good numbers of fish to the waiting net. It's been an interesting fishing year. Anglers have caught a fair number of fish on terrestrials however most of our better fish have come on nymphs.

As the tailwaters begin the transition from summer to fall and then into winter, we are sticking the fish closer and closer to the bottom. Putting that fly in their face has always been critical, but this year more-so than ever.

We have been doing some Euro-nymphing too. This has been productive and on a lot of days this brings the catch rate up. As for more styles and species of fish, we have also been spending more time on warmwater streams and having some success. We will have a few more options for warmwater species during next year's seasons and we are stoked! 

The Elk River- This river has made it through summer and really been hammered by everyone wanting to get out. We have been very successful on most days. Like I said earlier we are catching the largest majority of our fish on the nymph. Getting them down, in front of the fish, with good drifts, makes for a real nice day on the water.
The Caney Fork- This year started strong and then fell flat as the water in the lake warmed the water in the river. Then the DO levels began to fall. I am looking (hoping) for a comeback in the later months. But as we transition from fall to winter, I am mostly looking toward early 2021 for a better situation all around. We aren't giving up on this river and hoping the repairs to the dam, that happened over the last several years, will bring it back to a respectable fishery.

There it is, a quick fishing report and report on other happenings under the Southeastern Fly umbrella. Don't forget the Southeastern Fly podcast, we've had some good quests who have been engaging and forthcoming with good information. You can subscribe to the podcast anywhere you consume podcast content.

If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river call/text 615-796-5143 or email to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our HomepageTo sign up for the latest edition of Southeastern Fly News Click Here