Southeastern Fly

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fishing Alone. Saturday, April, 14th, 2007

Spent Saturday on the Caney Fork River. With turkey season, family obligations and some friends under the weather I ended up fishing alone on Saturday.

Shuttle Dan gave me a lift to the dam and I launched the boat about 8:30. It was a nice float down to the first stretch of the river and the first stop was the bluffs where I picked 5 "little" brown trout on a black Bead Head Pheasant Tail (BHPT) fly. Then moved onto the bend where Cows Walk on Water. The first of several rainbows were caught there on the same black BHPT and then I turned the corner to start toward Lancaster.
The rain came!! So, I did some manual bailing of the boat and pulled out the streamers. I had a few looks on shallow running streamers when the water hit. As soon as the water hit I started picking up fish, all rainbows and nothing under 12"s (no fish tails here and the fish are
still fat from the shad a few weeks was good!). The water got a little high and the anchor rope got a little short so I moved down river with the flow. Floating past Lancaster there was a guy that practically ran to a mud puddle where he picked up about a 14" - 16" rainbow and started shout "white" which I am assuming means he caught it on a white streamer.
The rain was torrential for about 30 minutes, followed by more manual bailing of the boat. I stopped at my favorite bend and fished there for about an hour or so. That is where a nice brown trout responded to a Raider Clouser (a black and silver Clouser). With high water and larger fish I saw the backing on the 5 weight twice yesterday, which is a welcome change. I picked up several more rainbows there and moved down to my new favorite stretch of water on the crossover. I tried several different colors of Clousers with none really working better than the others, however all color combinations produced at least one fish.
It started getting late so I cruised on into Happy Hollow, put the boat up and changed into
dry clothes. Then drove home in another torrential downpour. The weather guessers did good with their 90% chance of rain prediction.

Did I mention it rained Saturday!

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