Southeastern Fly

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Caney Fork Fly Fishing 11.28.2008

We took the usual Saturday morning float to fly fish on the Caney Fork River here in Middle Tennessee. Dan S and I began a little early and were on the water just at sun-up. We decided to take a little more time on the water and ended just after dark. This would have been a short day, in terms of hours, for a Summer float, but this time of year we called it fishing from sun-up to sundown.

We took some Decievers, Clousers and Buggers along with the usual nymphs and midges. We caught fish on the Tutto, Zebras, Dan-O-Majics, and BHPT's. Most of the fish measured from 14" - 16" (or 20"- 25" on the Caney Fork conversion chart). We caught the slam as the browns finally came back to play. The fish overall were holding in random places with no pattern to their strikes or locations. At mid-foat we started fishing specifically to the rise rings and immediately began to pick-up fish. That goes back to the old saying "fish where they are, not where they ain't".

For this weeks report I'm going to try something a little different. I've had this Photobucket account for a while and it's about time we try and use it. The brown trout in the picture above jumped right into my hand and Dan took the picture at just the right time...

1 comment:

  1. David
    Good slide show. Those pictures of the evil Caney Fork Browns just tear me up!

