Southeastern Fly

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Caney Fork River High Water Fishing

High Water Up On One of the Cliffs

Dan and I got away Saturday afternoon for some high water Caney Fork River streamer fishing. The weather started out overcast, windy and cool, but as the day wore on we began to enjoy fewer layers, only to put them back on as the sun came and then fell behind the ridges.

The Smallest of the Stripers

After I got back from the shuttle we pushed off from the ramp. The water was extremely rough coming out of the sluice, while we made our way to left side of the river. The water coming from the generator was pretty clear, considering the rain. But the water from the sluice had an all too familiar stain, that helped to cloud the entire river. The 4' foot of visibility we enjoyed during the last week was reduced to only a couple feet.

Dan Going After a Striper

Dan stepped up to the front of the Hyde and began to work on the bigger fish. He was hitting the banks and was rewarded quickly with a nice 20+ striper. We floated for just a few more minutes and he hooked a much bigger fish. The fish took line and put the drag through the paces, only to throw the hook after a couple blistering runs. The only thing left on the hook was a big striper scale... Next Dan advised where he thought another striper would be laying, he cast and began bringing his offering back to the boat. Just when it dropped into the current and over the ledge a big striper came up and the fight was on. Calling a fish and then catching that fish is very exciting, that is for sure.

Another Nice Striper

We had a good day on the Caney, but the action from the usual browns was slow. The brook trout chased some streamers, but the browns were noticably absent. Hopefully they are getting their spawn behind them and will move off the shoals before the water is cut back. (Yes, I know I am hoping for the best here). The water could be a little warm still, but there are several reports circulating of the bigger fish in their spawning areas.

See the Latest Fishing Report from Southeastern Fly and Click Here for Regional Travel Information

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