Southeastern Fly

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Elk River Fishing

Anthony Works the Tail of a Run
We got out on the Elk River on Saturday and had a very nice day on the water. Mark and Anthony were on and caught a lot of fish throughout the day. Anthony kicked the trip off with a rainbow and brown before I returned from the shuttle. Mark came back strong with several fish in a row before we made it to the Scud Pool.

Nice Color on this Rainbow
This is the first time we have floated the river since all the rains and the big releases of water. The river is in very good shape and water was is as clear as I have seen it, in some time. The runs have shifted in many areas and in most cases have made some sections more technical than last year. This is evident more in the boat where you can look down into the water from a higher angle.
A Reminder of Winter

We caught bows almost everywhere we fished and the browns are still hanging out where they have been all along. The river has been cleaned up and it makes one wonder where "exactly" the fish hold when the water is released for weeks on end. The river banks are clean for the most part, which would make the walk to the Bend Pool easier. I may go check that out one afternoon and see if I can pass some time.

Clear Water and Clear Skies

We are beginning to hear from anglers coming out of hibernation from this unseasonably nasty winter. If you are ready to get a trip on the books, please give us a call at 615.796.5143 or send an email to to book the date. Until then, hope to see you on the water.

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