Southeastern Fly

Monday, April 12, 2010

Watauga River Report part I

The Hydros' at Rest After a Stop to Holy Water

The Pool that Produced Everyday and Became Our Home Waters for the Weekend

After all the anticipation the Tri-Cities Anglers Weekend came and then went... Did the weekend turn out like I thought, nope it was not at all like I thought. But, what a great weekend for all of us who were able to go and experience what the Tri-Cities area and the company kept had to offer. I could go into detail about every little event that happened, but I won't. I'll save that for an article for the Little River Journal, and yes Byron I will also save some of the photos.

Me at the Front Casting Brace of a Friend's Drifter

On travel weekends it is almost a given with all the anticipation and studying of the area, that every angler will learn something. And, sometimes those things are not related to fishing, but they are the most important. Like the Mom and Dad who show, their children's life comes before theirs. So, just go along for the ride and enjoy...

Spilling from Little Wilbur Keeps the Flow at Just the Right Level

The guy that everyone relies on for advice, not only because he has been there and seen that. But more because his wisdom is communicated in an easy to understand and reliable truth.

Anthony at Holy Water, Hooked Up at the Offering Plate

It's nice to see the guy that has a full plate and doesn't get to fish as much as he likes, gets a chance to watch a fly, set the hook and forget about life, just for awhile because he deserves it.

This Bug Traveled on My Hand for 10 Minutes, From Pool to Pool, Then Disappeared

Or, a lunchtime beverage enjoyed with a friend who speaks the same angling language (yes I just made that up, because it's this blog) and the conversation is easy to understand, because, we both like to fish "just that much". That hatch on the Elk, sounds fun...

Duck Blinds on a Trout Stream?

The enthusiasm learned from a young man who loves to fly fish, and in the words of Gary, "needs to write a book called I Was a Trout Bum at Age 12", because he is a darn good one...

Oh Yeah We Caught a Bunch of These

The lessons learned from a friend who makes good company, you've seen seen move from just getting by on the Watauga, to catching fish everyday on the Watauga, while using techniques that were discussed with each other over several years. Who is a good friend to share time with on a trip, in a boat, on the stream, in the car and just about any other time worth mentioning.

Transportation for an Afternoon Float

It would be easy to to just give the flies and counts of fish caught, the bugs that hatched and the big one that sportsmen released. I will say that we caught fish on nymphs, streamers, soft hackles and dries.....or BHPT's, Wooley Buggers, Bust-A-Browns, some fly that Garrett invented and Griffith's Gnats. The accommodations at Bee Cliff Cabins were clean and comfortable, and the food was good as usual. But, the best part of the trip, like most trips, was the company that was kept, stories that were told and the lessons that were learned...and the fire.

I learned everyone has a gift. What is that gift? Well who knows, but when you find the gift, try to use it when the opportunity presents..... Deep thoughts, yep they were and if the person reading this wasn't there, we all might say a lot was missed. There will be other trips, with other friends and clients who become friends...
Stay tuned for part II

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