Southeastern Fly

Friday, December 17, 2010

Articulated Bank Maggot

The Articulated Bank Maggot
This fly is named after some of the folks who prowl the banks with bait and fish for big fish to take home only to forget to clean them and let them go to waste... We figure anyone who gets made about the name is probably the culprit.
The Bank Maggot is about 5 & 1/2" long and is meant to fish from the middle of the river out to the boat (or wading) on a sinking line. The fly has lots of marabou and a sculpin wool head. There is a little flash in the body and the fly has a red hula skirt for flash when it breaks in the middle.
The Bank Maggot also has two 2x long shank hooks for length and intimidation of the smaller stockers.

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