Southeastern Fly

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Elk River and Caney Fork River Fishing Report

The Caney Fork River- The water color on the Caney Fork continues to improve. When the release is stopped the water begins to clear and continues to clear until the next round of generation. The browns, rainbows and brook trout are beginning to take streamers during the release. This is good news for anglers who prefer to deliver the groceries. The window of really good streamer fishing is short. Start throwing the big stuff about 30 minutes after the water starts to rise and continue for about an hour after the release is begins to slow. Obviously  the times are different for different sections of the river. The sluice water is now releasing at 60 degrees and on sunny days it warms to 62 a couple hours later. After the water levels out nymphs, both big and small, have been working pretty good as well. 

The Progression of the Sluice Release
The Elk River below Tims Ford Dam- Generation has been one of the stories on the Elk. TVA continues to draw down the lake with use of the generator and the water levels are a bit too high, even for the drifter. Although fish are hitting on the bigger release we don't feel it is safe for trips. TVA has been giving us some relief on the weekends.

The next couple days of rain will muddy the water on the Elk, but hopefully it will be clearing before the weekend.  If TVA can give relief this weekend fish will be caught on the usual patterns and they will still be holding in the usual spots.
This Little Brown Got Real Aggressive on a Good Sized Streamer
The Brookies are Still in Full Colors
Getting Ready for Winter
We are going to have a few open dates over the next few weeks. This time of year means the potential of large fish as they begin to fatten up for Winter.  The rainbows are aggressive right now and the browns are trying get back into fighting shape as they come off the spawn. We are going to do the 3/4 day trips, due to shorter daylight. If you are an angler who is looking for a good early Winter trip, now may be the time to give s a call and try for a potential fish of a lifetime.  

1 comment:

  1. Good morning David,

    I have followed you blogs and find them very interesting as well as helpful. We fish the Caney but just recently out of a boat. We have no outboard motor just a trolling motor. Is there enough room to stay out of the fast water and fish below the Dam while sluice and generation operating? Thanks, Travis
