Southeastern Fly

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wintertime Tailwater Report

The Drifter at Rest
The Caney Fork- There were some windows of no generation this week, but the sluice was open. Now the US Army Corps is running two on for several hours and then one on for several hours. The lake level is falling and then leveling out. The river doesn't fall completely to a one generator level, which leaves some different pockets and back eddy opportunities. Streamers are working pretty good with all three species of trout coming to the meaty stuff. 
Healthy Tailwater Holdovers
This week Anthony and Dan joined me for a float. The fishing was good when the wind was low and we found a fish here and there as the wind howled. We found low water and fished the shoals, drifted through the pools as we discussed the happenings of the Winter. Sometimes the trip to the river is almost as adventurous as the day of fishing. This morning started out like many other mornings. It was cold with frost as I pulled the drifter out of the garage. I stopped by Anthony's and we hooked the boat to his truck then took off to meet Dan. We picked up Dan and sped off to the river. Sped to the river, those seem like a harmless words. Dan was telling of his 10 Day Southern Most Amish Furniture Tarpon Islamorada Trip to the Keys, when the words Sped to the River were added to passing an officer who was driving too darn slow in the fast lane. The words Sped to the River then took on a new life jut a few minutes later. Those words would also delay our trip to the river. Soon we were discussing the finer points of small town traffic court with the officer, while all I could think about was being late to the river. I didn't mention that to the officer as he explained how much Anthony's ticket "would have cost, $290 something" if he decided to write a ticket vs. just a warning. Thank you's from all of us and we were gone, leaving the officer in the rear view mirror, probably wondering 'what the hell kind of boat is that?'. 
Low, Clear Water
The Obey- This river had some nice windows of zero generation this week and continues as I type this report. If you make the trip to Celina, the flow on no generation will be low and slow after the water falls out. Use the small stuff as the fish get a good look at whatever food they are deciding to eat and matching the food they eat daily is no secret to catching nice fish. Dark colors, although color on nymphs seems to be secondary to size and shape, which really seems to make color third in line, anyway dark colors this time of year seem to turn a fish's a bit quicker than a light color. Slow painful, eat a sandwich while it floats, are the type of drifts you will find on this tailwater. ***
The Elk River- this river is fishing very good right now and if someone is thinking about booking a wintertime trip to dust off those early season cobwebs, this would be the float I would recommend. The action is good and there are many different types of water to help re-engage those angling skills. There are shots at nice fish and the hatchery brats keep anglers entertained as well. Presentation is a key to this river right now. The water is that early-year clear so the fish get some inspection time before making their decision. The wintertime float is discounted so give me a call if you want to get out.
Fish Tails

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