Southeastern Fly

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tennessee Fly Fishing

The Caney Fork River: The river is receiving a bit of reduction in flow now....finally. Still anglers can throw big meaty flies for that fish of a lifetime. The smaller fish, you know the fish that keep us entertained between the holdovers, were hanging on and just trying not to drown. Now those stockers are getting out and hoping for a morsel or two. When the flow is on the holdovers are in the soft water and edges. Drop offs that run parallel to the bank with slower current are also a good place to pick up nice fish. 
It has been several weeks since we have seen low water on the Caney and that's a long time in dog years. The forecast for the river looks promising. Keep tying those flies the chance to use them is just around the corner.

The Elk River: We spent some time on the Elk over the past several weeks. While some anglers are complaining of slow days, we have been fortunate. The fish are responding to a well placed nymph. We have even been lucky and caught fish after several drifts. If the fish aren't taking after a few passes, wait a minute or two and lengthen the distance between the indicator and the fly. Let the water settle and don't move your feet or walk around in the boat. Dropping the fly in the zone one more time, even several more times, has produced another fish for the net.
The Tennessee Valley Authority is turning up the release this week. The forecast for Tims Ford is showing a heavier release this week.  It looks like TVA is going to release water in the morning hours for at least a few days. Be sure to check the release schedule and Tims Ford Dam before heading to the river.
Smallies in East Tennessee: The smallmouth season is fast approaching and East TN will be firing pretty soon. The water temps should start to climb in the next few weeks and the smallmouth will be fattening up after a long and cold couple months. If you want to get into some smallie action on the fly, shoot us an email and we can hook you up with the folks who specialize in warmwater fly fishing. 

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