Southeastern Fly

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ben and Gray on the River

Ben and Gray were scheduled for a day trip on the river and due to the generation schedule we ended up on the Caney Fork. This would be Ben's second time in the drifter and Gray's first. Ben was a gentleman, giving up the front casting brace and Gray went right to work. Our first fish to the boat was one half of a double when both guys hooked up.
We floated down the river and the further we were into the float the more dingy the water became. The clear water from the one generation release was overpowered by the dingy green tinted water from the sluice. This happens every year at this time and some days the fish respond well and some days the fish get a case of tight lips.
The guys stayed with it as we rotated through the fly box. We even tried the new Gamechanger patterns but the jury is still out as the pattern still needs some time. The initial impression is the fly has good action, is a little on the heavy side until the first stop in the cast where it jettisons water and becomes easier to control.  It could make an excellent floating shad pattern though.
So we kept floating and the guys kept catching. The fish weren't just jumping on the flies like our last float, but they were cooperating some. Gray was catching rainbows and Ben was bringing colorful brookies to the net. The browns had other things on their mind and wouldn't react to our offerings.
These guys showed a real appreciation for the outdoors. Both pointed out the scenery and it is funny how floating the same rivers over and over the scenery can get overlooked. It was good to have another point of view.

The daylight savings time was pushing us along at a more rapid pace but the guys hung in for the long haul on this trip. We floated into the gravel bar at the takeout right at dark. It was good to have Gray on the boat and to have Ben back for a repeat float. Talk was already stirring about the next float...
We are moving toward big trout and musky as Winter is just around the corner. If you want to set up a trip just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to get a day on the water.

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