It wasn't long before Karen put a rainbow in the net and Steven followed a short time later. Then Karen went on a bit of a tear, boating several fish in a row. There were a few fish taking midges just under the surface and we began casting to the rise-rings. Then it happened, well sort of...
A fish rose, Karen and Steven both cast to the upstream side of the ring and Karen's indicator took a dive. She set hook on a large fish. The fish made some big runs and just when we thought we had the fish under control, it would prove us wrong. We never really gained control of the big brown but it did make several passes by the boat and it was clearly the fish of a lifetime. The fish sought shelter under the boat and broke the tippet. No one was more disappointed than me, but there would be more opportunity.
The weather was warming and the wildlife was coming out. On this day we say fish, otters, turtles, a beaver, various birds, and more fish. Lunch was grilled salmon, baked potatoes, a quick nap for some and some fishing. It was a good day. Karen was getting close to catching her full share of fish and then some, so we put Steven up front as we hit the high value areas.
Guide and angler is an interesting relationship. Karen and Steven both fell into a rhythm and were catching. Steven was dialing in and we pulled into one of my favorite long shallow pools on the river. He tossed the fly into the faster moving water, shook out some line, and threw in a mend. The indicator was moving along with the flow, just right. Then it took a dive, Steven raised the rod and the line came tight. The fish came to the net after a nice fight. Now if you are reading this and thinking so what...let me say sometimes you just have to be there to enjoy the moment.
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