During our ride to the river we discussed the new ramp that will be built at Stonewall Bridge. I have mixed emotions about the ramp, because of the additional traffic that will be on the river. But additional access isn't all bad, because it opens up more options for floats.
Anthony Hooks Up Early
The TWRA has been stocking the hatchery brats in the river at a good rate this year. So far they have stocked just under 40,000 fish in the river including 26,000 rainbows. The hope is these fish will keep us entertained between the holdovers that make for good photo ops.
Anthony's First Nice Brown of the Day
This Brookie Completed the Earliest of Our Slams
One of the Best Anglers on the River
We rowed the drifter down the river to meet our deadline. We had to be back at the ramp early and continued to hit the best water as we floated along discussing many topics. Anthony hooked up with more of the bigger fish and I took care of the smaller fish throughout the trip.
Another Brown for Anthony on a Nymph Rig
The First Hatchery Brat of the Day
A Bass Which is Common After Large Amounts of Generation
The big spills produce a wide variety of fish in the Caney Fork. The TN Tarpon were not playing the fly rod game on this day. But, the different species keep the day interesting and occasionally the reward will be a good looking bass. We threw streamers at them off and on just to keep the more aggresive fish honest, but the best trout still came to the boat on nymphs.
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