Southeastern Fly

Monday, April 29, 2013


The Elk River: TVA is currently releasing 4100 + CFS and tomorrow the release will be 5100 CFS. They are releasing down the spillway, which is quite a sight. The generation release is 0 but don't be fooled 5100 CFS down the spillway is as high as I can remember. On a positive note the banks will get a good cleaning.
The Caney Fork: The Army Corps is predicting 2 or more generators and currently releasing 6500 CFS. Tomorrow and the next several days it appears they are going to more the release to the "or more" and get the release up around 10,000 CFS. We will see what happens.


  1. How is this going to affect fishing through the summer ? Will it wipe out a lot of the smaller fish?

  2. My guess would be, and this is just a guess, it could flush the fresh stockers from this year. Hopefully most of the holdovers will find a place and keep from drowning. It will be interesting to see...
