Southeastern Fly

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tennessee Smallmouth Report

The Elk River has been spilling for the past thousand days several weeks. Today the future generation returns to normal on the Elk and we will be out there in a couple days. Center Hill Dam is still releasing 7900 CFS into the Caney Fork with no downturn in the future schedule that I can see. Eventually we will be back on the Caney though and hopefully fishing our dries to those rising rainbows and browns, while the brookies keep us entertained in between. 
Mark Puts the Stop on One of Many Fish That Were Caught
So, how do we keep ourselves entertained? Pack the drifter for a quick trip to one of our favorite warmwater streams chase smallies. This particular morning started a little on the slow side as the guys tried some favorite streamers. Then we pulled out the big flies and the fish went to work. The first fish to wake up was a long and toothy critter that came quickly then slowly fell off the fly at the boat.
Donnie's First...on a Streamer
Shortly after that we produced several follows, drive-bys, and then started picking up fish. The fish came to the fly with regularity. The fly of the day is multicolored but if I had to narrow the colors down I would say it is chartreuse and orange, for the most part.
There Were Lots of Turtles, as UsualHow
Donnie has been on several trips and when there was mention of smallmouth he was ready for a new challenge. Donnie worked on his streamer cast which continued to get better and better. Then we worked on the retrieves as he got dialed in. For his first fish Donnie threw the fly to the bank and began the retrieve across a shoal. The fish came up from a slot, shot across the shoal, and then accelerated a little more for a perfect take. Donnie witnessed the chase and the take, soon we were taking photos of the fish....and Donnie.
Warmwater fly fishing is a lot of fun. for anglers. It is a lot of fun and we have warmwater connections in East Tennessee and can run trips in Middle Tennessee as well. For the anglers who booked and then had to re-book trips, thank you for hanging in there with us as the wettest Spring in recent memory continues to grind.
Early Morning
If you've hung around through this report this long it is worth mentioning that several of the fish we caught on this trip came up from cover to follow the fly. We would wait for a split second, but keep the fly in motion, to let the fish catch up. When the fish gained some distance on the fly we would try to accelerate the fly (sometimes we could execute and sometimes not) and the fish would then need to make a decision. The decision was to let the prey go or accelerate for the eat. Several times, when we could remember, this technique worked well. 

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love those smallies. Which streamers do you guys have the most success with on smallmouth?
