Southeastern Fly

Monday, December 16, 2013

Streamer Fishing

This week it has been cold and rainy or cold and sunny, either way it has been cold. But, that hasn't stopped us from getting on the water. It is real close to musky time, but circumstances have kept us off the musky water...for now. To pass the time we went to the tailwaters for shots at fish with streamers.

The Elk and Caney Fork both have heavy generation schedules. We loaded up the streamer boxes and chose the Caney Fork. That's Jim in the photo above with a "fish on" and we saw this plenty and we think Jim should have saved more fish for us. He picked the right pattern and color for the most fish as well as a couple nice fish.
The water release schedule was 2 generators for most of the week. Well, let's say the water release schedule was 2 generators, during daylight hours, for most of the week. So we went with it and threw streamers with deer hair heads, floating shad patterns that wouldn't float and bait wooley buggers. 
We were quite a distance away from a couple eagles who were occupying the middle section of the river. Getting a clear photo of the pair was difficult, but at least this time I didn't just sit there and say "wow" like I did last time, forgetting we even had a camera on-board. While I was watching the eagles and Brent was rowing, Jim was catching more and more fish.
So Jim had the hot hand, catching fish on streamers all day and using them several different ways. Two generators used to be a sure fire way for a slow day. On this trip the fishing and the catching were both good. The Caney Fork and Elk Rivers are both dialing back the generation so chances to hit falling water and even better streamer fishing could be on the horizon.

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