Southeastern Fly

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tennessee Fly Fishing Report

The weather finally has stopped the guide trips. This year was a good year on the water and there were a lot of fish brought to the net. I am very lucky to get out and to enjoy the rivers of Middle Tennessee, other places in Tennessee, as well as other parts of the South. I have made many new friends and enjoyed time with old friends as well. Thank you all for making this season one of the best!
Just because the trips have stopped doesn't mean we have stopped launching the drifter! The other day Anthony and Brent joined me on the boat. We fished nymphs mostly and had a somewhat slow day.  After catching some fish here and there Brent finally cracked the code on the rainbows by fishing breakfast food...if you know what I mean. Anthony caught this little brown close to the dam on a big nymph. We all agreed it was probably stocked, but...what if?
Both the Caney Fork River and The Elk River are producing slow fishing for the most part. But there aren't many anglers. Some of the best spots on the river have been vacant.  If you are in your favorite spot and locate a fish, fish it thoroughly. Usually if there is one fish there is another in the immediate area. Don't leave fish to find fish. 
Don't go away I will be right back. 
OK, I'm back and it is cold outside. Although Winter is not officially here it was hard to tell when I just stepped outside. This has been a crazy few weeks. November came and went in a flash and we are already a week into December with Christmas just around the corner. The temperature has been changing so fast it is hard to tell what the next day will bring. It was 70 degrees two days ago and today it is right at freezing. With temperature swings like that, fly selection can be tough. 
If you are going to fish take along a variety of flies. Fish slow, because as the water temperatures cool the fish will be a little slower to eat. Take your time and don't rush. With that being said the larger fish may not move to take a small midge, but may move several feet to take a larger offering like a streamer. On cool days finding a spot where the sun is on the river and fish could be warming a little is a good place to start. Places with the sun can be a good place to set up and make a few casts. 

So whether you are tossing big meaty streamers, small midges, nymphs or breakfast food, get out there and enjoy some solitude. Before we know it the sun will start warming the air, the buds on the trees will start popping, flowers will be in full bloom and someone will be standing in your spot!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see those little browns! Even if they are stocked fish, they'll act just like a wild trout when they grow up. Hopefully they last long enough to chase streamers in a couple of years.
