Southeastern Fly

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Learn to Fly Fish Murfreesboro TN

Eric and his father-in-law Bob were getting together for guys day on the water. The original plan was to fish the local tailwater, but Mother Nature had filled up the lakes and the generation made us think of a good alternative. After some discussion it was decided they would spend a half day on a local warmwater impoundment. We loaded up the boat with all stuff we needed, including Snickers, and pushed away from the ramp.
Bob has fished in Colorado several times by riding into the mountains on horseback, but this would be Eric's first try on the fly rod. We worked both guys on their rollcast and then we got down to business on how to lay out some line. After they were up to speed we began to work the banks and whatever likely structure we could find. We hit the high-value areas pretty hard as the guys began to match their casting skills with their fishing skills.
Fly fishing first requires the ability to remember what seems like a 1000 things and then enough repetition to be able to turn that memory into second nature.  As we moved along the banks Bob was first to hook-up. He cast next to some structure and saw the fish come to the fly. The fish made a quick inspection and then ate the fly. The hook was set nicely, not too hard but not too soft, then after a short and decisive fight we scooped the fish into the waiting net.
Eric was dialing in his cast and fishing skills from the casting brace of the drifter. With the wind and new rod it was taking a little longer to get dialed in, but when we spotted some rising fish Eric would have his chance. We slipped the boat into position and tied up a Parachute Adams to "match the hatch". Eric stripped off some line, set up and cast into the feeding fish. A fish rose to eat the fly and Eric came tight on the line. He kept a good bend in the rod and brought the fish to net. 

With both guys on the board and the skunk off the boat we began to toss some light streamers on floating lines. The guys were launching the streamers further and further as I inched the drifter further and further from the bank. They were dropping them into some tight places and getting drive-bys, swipes, hits and an occasional hook-up. We worked our way up the bank toward the ramp and then it was time to load the boat on the trailer. We were headed home when the guys started to feel the aches from using new muscles after a good day on the water.
The weather and generation are starting to cooperate a little more. If you want to see the latest fishing report click here and here is the page for our rates.  If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to book your day on the water.


  1. We had a fabulous time and David was such an awesome host and a great teacher! We'll be doing this again.

  2. Looking forward to fishing with you and Bob again Eric!
