Southeastern Fly

Monday, September 22, 2014

Donnie on the River

It has been a busy time on the FV Southeastern Fly this year and we have been fortunate to make some new friends. It was a busy Summer for Donnie as well and with some "life events" we haven't been able to get on the water. The other day he called and insisted on booking a trip because he needed some time on the water.
We finally came to an agreement and set a day to float the river. Staying with the Summer theme of leave early or go late, we left early to beat the traffic. The weather was overcast and a bit on the chilly side of things when we knotted up that first nymph. Neither of us had much confidence in the store-bought fly and soon we had tied on the DP Prototype as Donnie likes to call it. The first cast immediately got a hit and Donnie's timing was there with the hook-set. We had that fish in the net and the skunk was fought back one more time.
With skunk off the boat and angler we pulled up to the next likely spot and dropped the anchor. After a few casts and a darn good drift, if I do say so myself...and I just did say so myself, Donnie had a nice brown on the line and soon in the net. We took the "hero shots" and then released the brown to bite that pattern another day. 
The boat is a good place to solve problems, catch up on things that need to be caught up, and it's a good place just to relax and drop some things out of the mind. There was all of that on this trip and little more. The fish were happy and the angler was too, which is about guy in the rower's seat could ask for. I think we will just finish this report with some photos and the memory of a real nice day on the river....

To see the latest fishing report click here and for more booking information see our Homepage.  If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water.

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