Southeastern Fly

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Elton and David on the River

The last couple months have been nice with lots of opportunity on the river and anglers enjoying themselves in the casting braces. Elton and David fished with us in 2012 and came back again to enjoy the river. This time we had some awesome weather and the fish were responsive too.
The guys went to work with the nymphs and the fish responded in likely fashion. Elton didn't waste any time whatsoever and brought a brook trout to the net while I was still rowing off the ramp. Both anglers had the slam within 30 minutes and we settled in to a nymph for David and a terrestrial Elton.
Traffic on the river was normal for this weekend float and we continually fell behind the other watercraft, waiting for the best water when we had to wait. The guys settled into a routine of casting, mending, then catching. Elton tossed the terrestrial pattern into a seam that will normally produce and a nice rainbow rose to the fly, then ate. Elton came tight and the battle was quick and decisive. David continued on nymphs getting some good fish here and there. David was getting a clean drift and the fish were eating subsurface.
David was working between gravel bars and got strong take from a pretty good fish. During the fight Elton and I schooled David on the size of the fish. We said it was a good fish while David argued it was just stocker size. The fish came to the net and it was about the size Elton and I were describing. To all of our surprise it was also a brook trout. David had just set the hook and brought the largest brook trout we have caught all year to the net.
The fish were eating good on this day and the guys caught'em on everything we knotted to the tippet. The responses on top water were awesome and the fish that were picked up on the usual nymph patterns were of good numbers. The fish were also where they were supposed to be, which always makes a guide look better than they really are. The sun is setting a little earlier every day and the float came to an end just as the F/V Southeastern Fly slipped onto the gravel bar at the take out. It seems the anglers in the casting braces were happy once again...
To see the latest fishing report click here and for more booking information see our Homepage.  If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water.

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