Southeastern Fly

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Music City Fly Fishing

Normally radios, iPods, iPads, phones and other distractions are tucked away in the rowers seat when we are fishing. They are a distraction and don't help mending, casting or even setting the hook. The other day Brent and I were the only boat fishing a particular stretch of water and he brought out his phone and turned it to WSM. That's an old country station in Music City that has been playing "real country" for as long as I can remember.
The Caney Fork- For anglers on the right water level and the right stretch of the river, the fishing is Hotter Than a Two Dollar Pistol. We are getting a little action on dries, but the nymph continues to beat dries, midges, and streamers. For those fishing wet flies the fish are picking them up in the faster water while those wet flies are Just a Swingin.  
The rainbows are out and about. For some reason we have been picking up just a few browns, but that action is expected to pick up soon.  I swear the carp and buffalo are taking over. They are everywhere especially in the slower sections of the river. Those things are alerting every other species in the river with their skittishness. Just the wrong move with a mend, cast or even the wrong dip of the oar and they are gone like White Lightning along with the chances of bringing another fish to the net in that area..
If you get on the water at the wrong time the watercraft will make you feel like you are joining a Convoy. The recreational traffic will be picking up after Memorial Day and we will start earlier or later to miss All My Rowdy Friends
Like I said before the nymphs are working and not just from 9 to 5 either, it's pretty much all day. The main thing to remember is to adjust the depth as you move from section to section. Nymphs are the ticket but don't go fishing for a day thinking any ole nymph will do and the fish will be sitting at any ole depth. A little work will be in order to learn where the fish are eating. If you want to learn the water quicker just let us know. Dates are filling fast and if you are waiting for the right time, well the time is good. For those thinking they will wait, well there's a chance, Your Gonna Miss This...
To see the latest fishing report click here and for more booking information see our Homepage.  If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water.

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