Southeastern Fly

Monday, June 29, 2015

Steve and Mitch Learning to Fly Fish

With most new anglers there is the lingering question. Will we catch fish? Fly fishing is after-all supposed to be hard, a pastime that is learned over a lifetime and all those other things we learned in "the movie". The night before the trip everyone is usually a little anxious, then we all step into the boat and push away from the gravel bar to start the trip. The anchor is lifted and begins to float with the current, which in my humble opinion is when all those things that fill the brain in everyday life need to be left on the bank..and usually are left there. 
Steve and Mitch may have been asking themselves the same question, but that question was answered very early in this float. We worked on everything from the cast to netting fish, everything from start to finish. Both guys are gear anglers so when it came to picking the fishy spots and presentation they picked up quickly. The rainbows responded early and often throughout the morning. Mitch was quick to dial-in the brown trout from the front of the boat. The numbers were going higher for both anglers and with smiles all around we floated toward our lunch spot.
Father and son trips, as I have said many times before, are some of the most memorable. There is usually a little healthy competition as well as a chance for them to get away. In the case of new father and son anglers learning to fly fish can be a chance to learn a pastime that will bring them together for many years to come. By lunch Steve and Mitch were into double digit catches and had their share of fish lost. Those catches and losses are all part of the learning process and make the story they tell all the more interesting.
We refueled at lunch while we watched some recreational kayaks pass by, but the guys were ready to start fishing again. Before I knew it the guys were getting us all up for the second part of the day and then we were shoving off. It wasn't long before the fish were hitting the nymphs we were offering and the fly rods were put to good use. 
The fish weren't the only reason we were out, there were other things to be enjoyed. Geese, turtles, osprey and other wildlife were making an appearance on the river for our enjoyment. The highlight of the afternoon was the groundhog that came down to the river and grabbed a mouthful of river-soaked vegetation before retreating back up the bank. Then it just disappeared as floated out of sight.
The ramp came into sight and the guys were still setting the hook on the fish. We caught a good number of fish as we approached the ramp and those smiles kept coming. As all good trips do this one came to an end. After stowing the gear we were loading the drifter onto the trailer. Steve and Mitch were quick learners and it was fun to spend the day with them on the water. Hopefully their new found pastime will bring them together for many years to come.
If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river e-mail or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our Homepage and to see the latest fishing report click here.

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