Southeastern Fly

Monday, April 4, 2016

Martha and Howard- Salvage a Good Day on the Water

Some big  storms were rolling through Middle Tennessee the evening before our float. Those same storms continued into the night and into the early morning hours. Just under 4" of rain fell and when the trip to the river was slowed for downed trees and muddy highways it was obvious, even to the most optimistic angler, we would need a new plan. Howard and his granddaughter Martha arrived short time after I arrived at the ramp and we made our game plan for the day.

With a visible mud line moving into the upper reaches of the river we decided to travel in search of clear water. A short time later we were driving...while Martha one of us slept. And thus the adventure began.
It wasn't long before the shuttle was arranged and the rigs were changed for different water. Martha took a few warm-up casts and immediately proved Howard had worked with her, as he has with each grandchild he has brought on the boat. His pre-float work made an easier day for the guy in the rowers seat. They picked their casting braces and then we slipped away from the gravel to begin the float. 
We put the flies in the feeding lanes and the fish began to respond. The water clarity was about 2' so we were having moments of greatness and moments of just floating. Martha made herself comfortable and was still picking up fish. Howard was standing in the back brace but Martha's presentation seemed to be the way to least early in the float.
We fished dry-dropper rigs and at lunch time we found some feeding fish. Howard stepped up to the brace, stripped off some line, put the fly right at the edge of a drop-off and bang the fish ate. We both really enjoy seeing fish come up for the latest and greatest fly, this part of the day those fish didn't disappoint. Score one for the good guys.
The day went along with Martha picking up fish and Howard batting clean up from the rear brace. Traffic on the river was light and we were able to pick some good spots most of the day. With the late release of water we eventually we were chasing daylight to the ramp.
The day was coming to a close and we had a few more stops along the way with some more tricks up our sleeve. Howard was on the long rod and Martha at the net, we were finding fish and making some memories. 
After an early rise, driving through muddy roads, dodging downed trees and flooded areas we put some nice fish on the end of the line. The new game plan paid off this time. Usually a change of plans is just the beginning of a good adventure. It was a long day but good day and I am pretty sure "one of us" had a good nap on the drive back home
If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river e-mail or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our Homepage and to see the latest fishing report click here.


  1. It's always a good day when you're fishing with David.

  2. It's always a good day when you're fishing with David.

  3. Thanks Howard. Always looking forward to fishing with you again.
