Southeastern Fly

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Greg and Brad Fly Fishing Middle Tennessee

Another good day on the water! That sums up the day and may even be a bit of an understatement. OK, let's start at the beginning or really before the beginning of the day. The last time Greg came to fish on the F/V Southeastern Fly he brought his daughter Brooke. These two are always fun to fish with and we usually bring our share of Middle Tennessee's fish to the net. On this day Greg brought his son Brad to fish and although he had never fly fished before, he was a quick study. Brad's ability to grasp the concepts and execute on instruction, well, it made for a very nice first day of fly fishing. Greg would once again come through with some larger fish, just as he has done in the past.
We started Brad out with some basic casting lessons. This isn't a River Runs Through It and we don't keep a metronome as a casting tool. Nope we have a reasonable amount of time to get folks up to speed and then add instruction throughout the day, after all this a day of fly fishing and not just a casting lesson. Once Brad was fairly comfortable with his casting we moved into presentation. After he achieved a good presentation we put him on fish. The first three fish were long-distance releases. But Brad was ready on the next try, and with his proud father looking-on, we slipped Brad's first fish caught on a fly rod into the waiting net. 
That was one of several firsts for Brad, which included the first fish caught completely on his own with no instruction and his first brown trout on the fly. At one point Brad had a count of fish in the double digits while Greg was still well inside single digits. But, Greg has never liked to be too far out of the game and soon we would slip into a highly productive area where Greg would begin a run and begin adding to his score. It wasn't long before the guys were bringing fish to the net a rapid pace and before the day was over they would have their share of doubles.
The conditions on this day were near perfect. The temperature was hot but not unbearable and the water temps were cold. The river could use additional generation to push some grass and algae out but the fish didn't seemed to mind until later in the float. Nymphs were the choice on this day. We went with terrestrials for a long period of time but then just settled on getting just the right presentation with nymphs. 
After lunch the guys were soon into fish again, seemingly picking up where they left off. However, as the day wore on and the shadows grew longer the fishing slowed to a crawl. An outstanding morning and early afternoon with a high count and some nice ones would sustain us for the slower evening. 
After the last fish was netted and the rods were hung in the truck we loaded the drifter on the trailer and I got a chance to meet the rest of Greg's family. There aren't a lot of pastimes, jobs, or hobbies where a person gets the chance to meet so many cool people. So to say I am lucky to get to do this is really an understatement. But, I really am lucky to get to take people fishing. Not only that, but we also because we had another good day on the water!
If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river e-mail or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our Homepage and to see the latest fishing report click here.

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