Southeastern Fly

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Cory and Eddie Fly Fishing Near Nashville

The weather? What can we say, the weather in Middle Tennessee has been outstanding. This nice weather could take a turn at any moment, but until then folks are fishing! Cory called and wanted to get himself and his father Eddie in the casting braces before the weather made that turn. So we marked a date on the calendar and hoped we would have a good day, like we had last year when they came to fish.
The rods were rigged with nymphs of a couple different varieties. There were a couple spares in the rod holders just in case, but the guys wouldn't need a change on this day. With very little coaching they were into fish before we were 20 feet from the ramp. It was casting, mending and catching in record time. We had the skunk very early on this float.
With fish caught early in the float we were then hunting quality. The traffic on the river was tolerable, but also borderline for chasing quality fish. Cory was working just off the bank when he pulled up with a quick hookset. After stinging some Hatchery Brats to get him in the groove Cory came up with a nice brown. What is hard to see from the photo are the other folks who were anchored on the other side of the river. Yep, Cory got their attention right away. Cory, nice work...and there were more to come.
The food has been plentiful and the color on most fish has been good. The rainbows have been gaining color all year and have been fighting well for the most part. The low generation, in my opinion, has helped with the health of the fish. Eddie and Cory were both taking advantage of the good conditions with a few slow periods thrown in just to keep us adjusting techniques...and depths. 
Last Year Was Last Year- We came to a particularly "fishy area" of the river. As we pulled off to the side of the flow we made an adjustment to depth and Eddie dropped the fly in the feeding lane. It wasn't long before the rod was coming up and the line was coming tight on another fish. This fish pulled a little harder than the others and the rod bent a more. Eddie kept the correct angle on the rod and kept the right leverage on the fish. The fish made some strong runs. It tried to shake the hook that was lodged just in the upper lip. Finally the fish slowed and Eddie slid the brown in the waiting net. That's when I recalled last year Eddie pulled a nice brown from the very same spot. 

This trip was a pleasant way to spend the day. The guys got on the boat and went right to work casting, adjusting ends and of course setting hooks. Overall the float was enjoyable, as most are, and even somewhat relaxing. Sure we worked for fish at times while others just seemed to come with ease. Good weather and good company sure helped with the enjoyment of the day and there was no doubt Cory and Eddie came to fish.
If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river e-mail or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our Homepage and to see the latest fishing report click here.

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