Southeastern Fly

Monday, August 7, 2017

Keven Takes His Place in the 20 + Club

When we started this float it was overcast and sunny depending on where we looked. There was an 80% chance of  storms predicted for Middle Tennessee and before the float was over we would run the gamut of the Weather Guessers broad "forecast". 

With the falling water I really thought we had a chance at a big fish. Keven was of the same opinion and with both us thinking positive, we headed down river and into the approaching weather. Keven was fishing well and with a little bit of coaching he was soon using the techniques I had brushed-up on while in the West a few weeks back.

Keven was banging the banks and took a shot at a likely hold. Nothing. Although he came up empty he decided the spot looked too good for the fly to come back with a blank. It was the right decision. The next cast was right on the target and after a few short strips the fish hit. The brown didn't seem big but did begin to head-shake. Keven was able to make quick work of this fish and soon the fish was coming to the waiting net. We took some pictures, released the fish to catch again and completed a fist bump to seal the deal. 

The shadows were growing longer and the fog was getting thicker. Before we could make it to the ramp darkness had set in and we both had places to be the next morning. A few cranks of the winch and the boat was on the trailer. 

We were lucky to get on the tail-end of a good weather pattern and I think that helped. Picking the right spot and going back to give the fish a second look was really key to this entry in the Southeastern Fly 20+ Club. Nice work Keven.

Want your chance at some nice fish? Check out the full and half day floats. Another option is a Happy Hour Float. (no alcohol will be served, but these floats really give anglers a chance at quality fish). For those interested just call, text or email (see the info below).

If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river e-mail or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water. For additional booking information see our Homepage and to see the latest fishing report click here.

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