Southeastern Fly

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fly Fish Nashville

It's summertime in Middle Tennessee and the heat is on. Some days it seems we need a potholder to open the car door. When the heat index is 105 degrees we head to the river...we head to the river other days too but the cool water sure feels nice on the hot days. Floating in the drift boat is possibly the best way to enjoy all the sights the rivers of Middle TN have to offer.
Watching the wildlife along the river bank is a good way to pass the time between takes, but don't look away for too long or the fish of a lifetime could be the one that got away. The Summer season brings out the wildlife along with the flying bugs and terrestrials. We've been spending our share of time on the river helping anglers catch fish, while also catching a few on the off days. If nothing crazy happens, the next couple months look to be some of the best fishing for the year. Anyone who is waiting to book a trip should think about making time over the next 60 days or so.
The fish are eating nymph patterns. fish your favorite pattern but they are a little on the picky side, especially it seems, if an angler isn't in a hi-value area around the 3:00 p.m. sun. Drifting across shoals in the late afternoon will give you some positive results and setting up the nymph at the right depth is critical. 
The trout of Middle Tennessee are looking upward. We've been getting nice fish on terrestrial patterns and the fish are eating bugs close to the bank. This has been the norm over the years so we've spent a lot of time throwing hoppers within a couple feet off the bank.  We aren't afraid to throw other terrestrial patterns either. Remember just because the a pattern is bushy and big doesn't always mean that's all the bigger fish are eating. Smaller terrestrials will also bring better fish to the top.
While the fish are taking terrestrials they also don't mind sipping down a dry fly. The takes are not quite as intense on the dry but it sure is fun to come tight on a fish that just got fooled by some hackle, feathers and dubbing. The best patterns seem to be parachute patterns of various sizes. I have my favorites as most folks do, so take your favorite pattern and drop it at the top of a rise-ring.
 To see the latest fishing report click here and for more booking information see our Homepage.  If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water.

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