Southeastern Fly

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Music City Fly Fishing

It seems waking up hours before sunrise has been a way of life this Summer. We have been trying to adjust trips around generation schedules and other watercraft, while trying to get on the best fishing. We have been on every trout float, worth mentioning, in Middle Tennessee and as we move through terrestrial season the rivers are fishing good. I have seen a lot of fish caught and met some of the coolest people. For that I am a thankful and lucky guy.
This week we have worked with anglers at many different skill levels. One was getting dialed-in for a casual day on the river, while another angler is getting prepared to compete in the Jackson Hole One Fly Competition next week. It is has been a good week for all and the fish have been friendly to everyone. Their have been a lot smiling faces and bent fly rods on the "F/V Southeastern Fly". 
There are a fair number of hatchery brats at the usual stocking locations. We have also caught some really nice fish in those areas especially just before dark as we get to the different takeouts. Also, some anglers have caught fish as we are rowing off the ramp and trying to get to the first stop. That being said, sometimes a short walk to the water can also be a productive walk. Usually we have been starting with nymphs and this lets folks get used to our style of fishing.
Here is a tip. We all know a drag-free drift is critical when fishing most dries and nymphs. I have noticed there are a rash of floating lines that sink at the tip when they get dirty as the line spends more time being fished through the day. I must say there are a lot of good lines out there. However, none have been super-impressive over time.  Every angler has a different line and it seems all of them have the same problem. 
So, it is a good idea to clean them before hitting the river. My friends are laughing out loud right now because I used to hate cleaning the lines. Because I hated cleaning them I hardly ever did. But my mind has been changed.  I went to Cumberland Transit and picked up a line cleaning kit, which is used with regularity to get the normal river scum of fishing off. Next time you're in the fly shop pick up some floatant. Just pick up your favorite floatant and as the day goes on apply the floatant to the last few feet of line to keep the line floating on top of the water. 
The Elk River- The Elk has been fishing well over the last few weeks. TVA released some water over the last week and flushed a bit of the excess growth from the river. The weekend is the best time to get on low water as TVA continues to sluice or spill 1,250 CFS on the weekdays. This flow isn't safe to wade and is down right scary on a float.  On low water though, the right nymphs will bring fish to the net. The fish are picky when they rise to a dry or even a big terrestrial. If you see a fish rising be careful with your setup, be careful with your fly choice and be extra careful with your cast. No really, be extremely careful with the cast and don't drop a bunch of line on the rise ring or the chance of catching that fish will diminish greatly or in most cases disappear. 
The Caney Fork- This river is getting plenty of use by other watercraft, but the fish still have to eat even if it is between "Flotillas".  There are a lot folks trying to squeeze in some time on the water before temperatures begin to fall. After the temps fall anglers will take to the river again and things will calm down a bit. Until then we will be up early to start early before the other watercraft launch and starting late to get off the river behind the other watercraft.. 

To see the latest fishing report click here and for more booking information see our Homepage.  If you are a seasoned angler or have never picked up a fly rod and want to set up a day on the river just email or call/text 615-796-5143 to book a day on the water.

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