This week Brent wanted to take his Brother-in-Law Kelly on a float. The goal was to teach Kelly to fly fish, give him a chance to enjoy the river and help him catch a trout on a fly rod, before he returned to Cambodia and his life long missionary work. We launched the drifter under cloudless skies, on clear water with a fair number of recreational boaters. TWRA has not stocked the river, from what we saw the rumor mill is accurate. This made the upper portion of the float, slow. The water was 59 degrees and crystal clear, we could see the fish and the fish, of course, could see us as well.
Sunrise on Saturday |
We spent some time casting with Kelly. He was already several steps ahead and it was apparent that he and Brent had spent some time practicing before the float. Practice is very important for a new fly angler and sometimes just as important for a seasoned angler. After we worked a little more on the casting and of course mending we were off. The upper section of the river showed us a few fish here and there.
Low Water |
The low clear water was a bit distracting at times. There is a lot to look at on the bottom of the river and we all spent time spotting fish as well as other things. The gravel bars are pretty much in the same place even after the 10,000 + CFS beating the river took over the Winter.
Kelly's First Fish on the Fly |
Fish-Tails |
Kelly was patient while the fish were tight lipped. We kept him on nymphs and adjusted the indicators to the river bottom. The fish were on shoals and in the holes. We tried several different patterns and ended up fishing the Tutto. Brent was dialed in first on the Tutto and caught several fish. Kelly used his patience, while he took in the sights and developed a real love for the river. Then we entered a run and Kelly dialed in. He got a good drift in a small seam and a rainbow made the indicator dive, then Kelly pulled the rod and the line came tight. The fight was on. The rainbow tried to use the current but Kelly got the fish to the net and soon after that, he was holding his first fish on a fly rod. The proper photos were taken and the rainbow was released.
Brent Hooked-Up |
This is the Lowest Water I Can Remember |
Every time I get to float with new anglers I learn something new or am reminded of how I saw the river the first time. Brent, who has been on the boat several times was at home in the back seat. Kelly had the front seat, which is known to be the best position while fishing. That front casting brace is just a good place to be. Cambodia is a long way from Buffalo Valley and the environments are completely different. Now Kelly has the pleasure of knowing both. Good luck on your return to your work Kelly and I look forward to seeing you again when you come back to the states.
Thoroughly enjoyed the day of fishing. You are a great coach, patient, and a great place to fish! Look forward to getting back out there again. Plan on trying some of your techniques in Cambodia .