The Caney Fork:
The Army Corps just release d the latest schedule and have backed down generation in the overnight hours. The lake level is back to approx 629 which helps slow the generation somewhat. The water clarity is still stained and the water has been high over the past few weeks. This should give us some streamer floats for browns and striper (that make their way up river on heavy generation). Be careful of the sluice!
The Elk:
TVA runs the Tims Ford Dam and TVA has 470 cfs coming over and (hopefully) out of the sluice gate. Reports of streamers, some nymphs and a little dry fly action too are coming in from various sources. The water is still a little high, but wading is certainly not out of the question. This flow should be very good for floating, so those of you with float trips on the books with us be ready for a little more flow. Like I said the flow should be very good.
The Obey:
Dale Hollow Dam has been running one generator for a while now. When they have one or more generators running it is not the best for wading. The floating on one generator is OK, but not as good as floating on falling water. Wolf Creek is releasing over 9400 cfs, which raises the level of the Obey and brings the water up to the brim of it's banks. Try nymphs across the shoals in the upper part of the river and of course streamers, streamers , streamers. Look for rising fish along the banks and spend your time tricking those rainbows and browns that show themselves with a dry. Look for risers that are showing along the bank especially if they are in slower water.
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Nice blog and pictures!